Secrets of Global Financial System
Kimberly Goguen explained the Global Financial System. Until recently, this is how the Financial System used to work. It’s functionality and structure no longer binds us to a top-down approach as it relates to funding the 1%, but rather a bottom – up structure to help humanity access an abundant system.

Crypto Crash, Taking Profits & Opportunities
April could be the month where cryptos crash. I’ve heard April 1 -14th could be the time period. While no one can predict the timing 100%, there is consensus that we are due for a big correction soon.
In any case, it’s important to take profits.
It’s expected that crypto will rise greatly after the crypto crash. But no one can be certain how long it will take for crypto to move back up again. But if cryptos crash the way many believe, that will present a huge opportunity to scoop up Bitcoin and other coins at super LOW prices. This could be one of the biggest opportunities for the average person to create wealth. At the end of this post, you’ll find two great videos.

Silver Price Pump –What Main Stream Is Not Telling You
1. Why is silver (not gold) a scarce commodity that is expected to explode in price this year?
2. Why & how are the bullion banks suppressing the price of silver?
3. Is the U.S. moving to a silver standard as we transition to a new financial system?
4. And…what to buy and how to buy physical silver if you’re new to investing in silver?
Get answers to these questions and discover much more about silver investing opportunities. You won’t find another interviewer that gives you such out-of-the-ordinary perspectives on silver, crypto and the financial markets.

Gamestop – Reddit, the Robinhood Saga & Financial Revolution
Reddit traders beat the hedge fund traders at their own game, using their own greed against them. We can thank them for helping to expose the illegal practices of hedge funds. Naked short sellers put companies out of business and profit when companies collapse and people lose their jobs.
The good news about this fiasco is that it’s helping people to wake up and to ask questions. It’s time to choose freedom and focus on creative solutions.
Find out more here about the 2021 financial revolution.
Coming Turbulence – Catalysts for Great Personal Change
We have started the new year with shocking events. So far, they have been most obvious in the areas of politics and the financial markets. We need to prepare as more turbulent events will soon surface that will affect every area of our lives. The key message is this: The coming shocking events can serve as catalysts to help us with our own personal change.
Are we going to collapse after failed effort to expand our consciousness OR…
Are we going to expand our consciousness and collapse the old system?
This video will help soothe many people; it can help people shift from a state of fear and worry to a sense of empowerment and trust. Watch it today while you can!

Cryptocurrencies Close 2020 At Record Highs
Bitcoin (BTC) nearly tripled its price in 2020 and ended 2020 close to $29,000. The cryptocurrency rallied by over 45% just in the month of December; ending the year with a gain of 290%. The second most eyed cryptocurrency, Ethereum (ETH), gained 450% for the year.
Compare these annual returns with less than 1% return that your bank offers you.
And compare the annual gains of these two major cryptos to traditional assets such as gold and stocks. Gold gained nearly 25% in 2020 and the S&P 500, Wall Street’s benchmark index for the stock market, had a 16.3% price return.
What possible for 2021?
Weaving a New Reality Now
This is not a passive month. We all need to prepare for a roller coaster ride. It is up to you to decide which roller coaster you get on. You have the power to choose. If you are not clear about how you want your life to be, someone else will decide for you and you may not be happy with the results. Forget “how it was in the past”. Do not let old failures and disappointments deter you from going after what you want.
We have been given a great opportunity to reinvent and reweave how we live on this planet; what we do for our livelihood, where we need to change, how we manage our energy, and what is important to us. Let us not waste this time being in fear or worry, or being attached to “things going back to the way they were.”
Weaving a new future will be done from within, from your inner desires, inner truth and knowing.
Silver –Creating Wealth, Health & Psychic Abilities
When most people think of silver, they think of the precious metal as an investment. But it’s much more than that. In this post, you’ll find out why silver, at this time, can be a great investment opportunity & how silver can also help protect your health. If you want to go deeper into the rabbits hole, watch the investment video below for a deep woo woo conversation about silver.

Urgent! New Bretton Woods Plans -Digital Currencies & Debt Explosion
The coronavirus pandemic is pushing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) into top gear as the pandemic has triggered a sharp global economic decline. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday announced plans to have a Bretton Woods monetary renegotiation. In this post and video, you’ll find out what the real implications are of the IMF’s…

Act On Opportunities — But Do You Know What You Want?
We’re living in intense times when huge, unprecedented events are unfolding before our eyes. Our financial system, healthcare system and educational system—just to name a few—are in the midst of being dismantled. It can all feel surreal. From a certain vantage point, it’s like watching a movie. Depending on which channel you tune into, you can feel dejected or uplifted.
We have many opportunities in front of us. While the old systems, like the financial system, are in the process of being dismantled, it gives us an opportunity to create new systems that are more in line with what is better for us. We all can participate in shaping the new world that is emerging.
This is a critical time to make decisions on what we want to create in the new world. Find out what you can do!