Mind & Spirit

When you focus on empowering thoughts, you'll feel calmer, more optimistic and have more energy.  As you lift your mood, your vibration increases.  From that place, you're more empowered to focus on your goals and achieve them.

It starts with quieting the mind so you can feel a deep sense of well being and hear your inner voice that guides you.


Uplifting your mind and spirit will positively help you in ALL areas of life --health, financial, career and relationships.

As you replace lower energy thoughts, which trigger anxiety, worry and fear etc., with thoughts that raise your energy--thoughts that excite you or make you feel better-- you'll get more and more results in your life that please you.  There's tremendous power in your mood!

There's nothing of greater advantage to you then to strengthen your link with the Source from which you have come.  Our minds are our link to Spirit.

Featured Audio Products


The Journey MP3 & Companion E-Book

The Journey is a guided type of meditation audio.  It's different from meditation in two ways.   Find out more  This audio will help you to deeply relax and experience predominant states of beta, theta and delta brain waves.  When we quiet the mind, we can gain insights, have greater creativity, stronger immune systems and delaying aging.

Warrior Spirit: How To Use Mind Powers & Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth & More!

The Warrior Spirit empowers you to feel better & achieve your goals with greater ease. Discover how to tap your inner power and strengthen your spiritual connection. This audio program includes a companion e-book & workbook. Find out now what you can do today to improve the results you're getting!

Abraham Hicks Guided Meditations

Audios for improving general well being, finances, health & relationships.

AND Esther Hicks shares life changing wisdom with humor on YouTube. Get help in every aspect of life---from money, work, relationships to black holes!  On YouTube search Abraham Hicks + the subject matter that interests you.  Within minutes, you'll know how your being resonates with the teachings.  Amazing to get this vortex training for FREE on YouTube 24/7!.

Recommended Resources

  • Tom Brown Jr, Americas most renowned tracker & wilderness survival expert teaches spiritual empowerment and wilderness survival skills.  The standard course teaches the sacred order of survival:  Shelter, Water, Fire and Food.  Discover the interconnections between the physical world and the Worlds of Spirit. In addition to his school and online courses, he has written books that are a must for these times.  Learn more.

  • Visit Penny Kelly’s YouTube channel to get advanced knowledge on topics such as consciousness, frequency healing, the nature of reality, dreaming and intuition.  And find out how you can help shape the NEW world that is in the process of being created during these unprecedented times!  Get ready to be taken to other worlds.