Author Archives: Mary Rivas

Two warning signs about self-pity.

Self-pity is an easy trap to fall into when you don’t take responsibility for what happens to you.  Beware. It’s a dangerous trap.  Any degree of self-pity will keep you from realizing your goals, your destiny. Ask yourself two questions to know if you indulge in self-pity: Do you tend to blame others and things…

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A story about self-discovery

I start with a story to help the reader remember how powerful he really is. We all have the Warrior Spirit within us. It is a force that guides us and helps us in infinite ways when we open our heart and spirit to it. Below is the story…

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Awareness Is Your Greatest Weapon During These Times

This post will probably not be popular, but it is my most important post to date.  I am not going to write about the magic of life or about love but about the dark side.   I have to share with you what my inner vision has guided me to do. Over the last few weeks,…

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June Forecast: Trusting Your Creativity and Vision

Creativity is a potent and fluid energy that moves you to perceive what is possible outside your seemingly fixed reality. Creativity and destructions are two sides to the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. So as you contemplate expending your creativity, be prepared for something to dissolve to make way for that expansion. If you approach this with flexibility and willingness and beauty, it will be much easier than if you resist

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Mind Machines–Tap Your Hidden Abilities Faster

Mind machines are high-tech mind tools that have been proven to enhance mental functioning, boost brain power, alter your mood, and quickly produce peak performance brain states. They are highly effective tools to help you access deeper mind states, such as Theta, faster. You can use them to speed up the process of mind training. This article contains a video on mind machines.

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May 2012-A Time to Drop “If” “Maybe” and “When”

The theme for May 2012 is commitment…but it’s probably not what you’re thinking… Commitment is removing the back door, the escape route and the words “if”, “maybe” and “when” from your vocabulary. Commitment is moving into your future with no turning back and no escape hatch. Commitment is eliminating the worry and anxiety that comes…

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Meditating Video: What You Need To Know About Emotional and Physical Transformation

Meditating video explores how you can gain amazing benefits quickly without meditating as meditation is commonly taught today. Short video explains how to go beyond meditation and gain physical and emotional benefits.

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April 2012 -A Time To Make Your Bid for Power

This is the opportunity to free yourself from your old beliefs about power and the old paradigm in which those beliefs live. You will be able to look at your self-imposed limitations, hopefully clear them, and make some bids for power this month that will move you into your next level of expansion and evolution.

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How To Get All the Benefits of Meditating–Without Meditating.

Do you know that you can easily get all the benefits of meditating without meditating? So what kind of benefits am I talking about? *Increased mental abilities, learning abilities and concentration… *Greater creativity, Ah-ha! experiences and intuitive powers… *Release of emotional blockages that sap your energy… *Elimination of stress and stress-related symptoms such as sleeping…

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March 2012–Are you seeing your opportunities?

The main theme for March is Opportunity. The action of this month and of the moving centered year demands you have a plan. Wishing and intending is not enough. You have to do something for what you want. The universe will respond to action this month and you can be incredibly productive and prosperous if…

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