Author Archives: Mary Rivas

October 2012-Creating Space for Creativity

What blocks creativity is the encumbrance of all those things and activities that don’t serve you. Once you have cleared the decks and made space for something new, creating is the next natural step. In fact once you feel unencumbered, you are likely to feel more creative. Use your creativity as the inspiration and fuel for what you want to manifest.

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Warrior Spirit Book Trailer Release

Today is the release of the book trailer for The Warrior Spirit—How To Use Hidden Mind Powers and Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and More. The book trailer’s theme is simple, yet profound: Our dreams are sacred, and we must do all that we can to follow our life’s vision.

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What to do to work through your fears?

Working through fear. In this post, you will learn that you have the power to deal effectively with fear and how to work through fears.

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The Alchemist and the Sacredness of Following Your Dreams

The Warrior Spirit –How To Use Hidden Mind Powers and Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More! It teaches how we can conquer personal demons that keep us from realizing our life’s vision. In doing so, we become the alchemist, transforming our lead into gold, figuratively speaking. The Warrior Spirit takes up where The Alchemist book left off. It provides guidance on how to achieve your inspired dreams, and it empowers you at the core, at the spiritual level.

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Wisdom & Empowering Tips for August 2012

Are you ready to embrace wisdom and enhance your life? There are many ways to work with the theme of power in this month of August 2012. It is more about looking at where you give your power away and then changing that behavior or pattern. It is also about learning to empower your desires from within rather than always looking to a greater power outside yourself to make things happen.

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Start Your Day By Choosing

Whenever we have a thought, our energy moves in the direction of that thought.
When you start your day holding a negative thought, it attracts more negative thoughts and the ball of energy grows in that path. The reverse is true. When you start your day focusing on a happy thought, that thought will take wings and attract like thoughts. You’ll find that your day will reflect what’s going on inside of you. Here’s what you can do to stop negative thoughts:

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Are you holding yourself back?

To the extent that limiting beliefs, heavy emotions and old wounds weigh you down, you’re not free to move to the next level. Heavy emotions, such as worry, jealously and feeling offended, drain your energy. And you absolutely need plenty of energy to successfully create what you long for. That’s why you must free yourself from inner demons.

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How do you treat your money goals?

Whatever wealth means to you, know that there is usually more than one way to get what you want.
You can greatly improve your financial situation and enhance your lifestyle in multiple ways, once you open your mind up to the possibilities. When it comes to money goals, most people think of only creating more money. Yes, you can make more money, and you can do much more than that too!

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One Practice To Help You To Keep Going!

Will is not a thought or a wish. It is a force that makes you succeed when your thoughts tell you otherwise. A strong will is something we can use when, for instance, we want to accomplish a goal, but our logical mind tells us it is not likely or possible. Will is a kind of control we have over ourselves. It’s inner power.

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July 2012 Wisdom Tips for Maintaining Balance

July 2012 is a month of growing pains, things going upside down, good surprises and great opportunities, challenging disappointments, and chances at every turn to adjust and readjust just about everything in your life. It is a great month to continue letting go consciously and proactively of anything that longer serves you. Expect the unexpected,…

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