The 3 Step Ultimate Guide to Resolutions & Goal Setting

Happy new year to you and your loved ones and happy goal setting!

I want to tell you about an audio that I feel can really serve you.  It’s about going beyond the usual goal setting and resolutions exercises.  It will help you get to the core—the essence of your life dreams.

It was created by authors Lena and Jose Stevens, Ph.D and is called ” Effective Intentions, Goals & Resolutions.”   You can get the MP3 for only $3.99.  Click here to download the goal setting audio.

This audio guides you through a 3 step process for goal setting:

Step 1 is to clear yourself of past goals that you did not achieve.

If you feel shame or any disappointment about a past goal, that can create mixed messages and will cloud your goal setting.  In the audio, you’ll learn an ancient spiritual practice for clearing the past and gaining peace of mind.  This step will help you have clear goals that are necessary for manifesting.

Make peace with your past so you can be free to pursue and achieve your new and refined goals with renewed energy!

Step 2 is to imagine what you want when you are in a relaxed and preferably happy state.  In the audio, you will be guided to answer an important question that will help you define your goal with more clarity.  You’ll empower your goals when you connect with the essence of your goals.

It’s really important to feel good about whatever goal you set.  Uplifting emotions and relaxed feelings will absolutely help you manifest your goals.

If you want help in learning how to deeply relax your body and mind, click here to learn about The Journeya step-by-step guided audio.

Step 3 is a process that helps you determine what precise steps you can take in order to achieve your goals.

You’ll learn also about creating a “Wish List”—which you can layer on top of your goals.

Once you set your intentions, goals and resolutions—however you decide to do them—put your list in a place where you can frequently see it.  You’ll want to focus on each goal every day for at least 30 seconds in the beginning.  Then, increase the amount of time you focus on them.  Do this for at least 30 consecutive days.  Repetition is key.

Have fun and enjoy your goal setting for 2014!