If you want to learn about alchemy and personal
transformation, there is a unique event coming up next month
that could be what you’ve been looking for.
The Alchemy Conference will take place on September 16-18th in
Long Beach, California. It is both an outstanding forum to learn
about scientific findings and spiritual teachings from
world-renowned experts, as well as an opportunity to mingle
with like-minded seekers, receive insights, and gain a sense
of personal betterment.
What is alchemy?
The alchemists tried not only to change base metals into
gold but also rejuvenate their bodies, integrate their
personalities, and perfect the very essence of their souls.
Although they spoke of furnaces, and chemicals,
they were really talking about synchronous transformation
taking place in their own bodies, minds, and souls.
Alchemy can be defined most simply as the “art of
transformation.” It is concerned with the underlying
principles of how things change and the basic process of
transforming one thing into another. The most popular reason
for studying alchemy today is to reconnect with the
fundamental spiritual realities in the universe.
In this approach to alchemy, the goal of the alchemist is not
the common gold but an inner spiritual gold, and the operations
of alchemy are performed in the inner laboratory of the
spirit and soul.
To learn more about this upcoming event and to reserve your
seat, click here and start exploring a new world.
In this amazing conference…East Meets West, Old Meets New,
People from All Over the World Gather, and You Discover
Practical Solutions for Improving Your Life. You will be at
the largest gathering of practicing alchemists in the last
500 years!
To your amazing journey,
Mary Rivas