Tag Archives: empowerment

May–It’s Time To Change the Game For Yourself

It’s time to change the game and move from old ways onto a new path, This month’s commentary helps you explore the possibilities and gives you wisdom tips to use the influences of the month to enhance your relationships, health, business and personal growth.

We have survived the energies of April (some of us barely) and are now facing a new game, a new dream, new possibilities, a new sense of self and a lot of unknown. Just as powerfully as April shook things up, May provides us with a potent opportunity for changing our game and moving into that new dream we all so desperately want. For some of us it will require a leap of faith and for some simply a willingness to allow new things into our lives in a new way…

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Financial Market Illusions, Cover Ups & Spiritual Lessons

This 10 minute video gives a good summary of the current bleak state of the financial markets and economy, but before you watch it, know this: I’m sharing this video (and similar posts) NOT to fill you with fear or any emotion that deplete your energy but to awaken your inner warrior that is always there to guide you in infinite ways.

We must not get sucked into all the drama out there, yet we must expand our awareness of how darkness tries to control humanity. Awareness and the ability to see the bigger picture, which includes both light and darkness, empowers us spiritually.


Waking up and perceiving deception expands awareness and that empowers us. Deception and half-truths keep us in the dark. If we ignore that darkness exist, we become prey. Ignorance weakens us and endangers us.

When we expand our awareness, we can make wiser decisions because we’re better informed–we can see the bigger picture. How can we make the best decisions if we’re in the dark and can not see?

Awareness dissipates darkness. When you shed light on darkness, it loses its power.

Ancient spiritual wisdom teaches that everything is interconnected in a web of energy. If we allow ourselves to be enslaved by forces that aim to control our health or control us financially, our spiritual evolution will also be controlled…

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2016 and Reset with Wisdom Tips

January 2016–Starting the New Year With a Reset

The main theme for January is RESET.

We have been through a time of transition, change, scatter, chaos, and unexpected challenges as well as powerful opportunities for creativity, improvement and personal growth.

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November Empowerment Tips

November’s Energy of Pressure Can Help You With Breakthroughs!

The main theme for the month of November is PRESSURE.

This month we enter the labor that will birth our own transformation and change. And just as in actual childbirth, once the process begins, there is no going back.

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June 2015–A Time for Inspired Action & Breakthroughs!

The theme for June is “CREATIVE ACTION”.

Here is the best analogy and description of the month.

Let’s say you had a room in your home that you were inspired to change, to remodel, and to upgrade.

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Inner Power Path

May 2015–Aligning Yourself For New Opportunities!

The theme for May is “A NEW ALIGNMENT”.

We have been shaken, rattled, taken apart, and sideswiped by the unexpected. We have had to accept change and embrace the unknown.

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January 2015–Step Into Your Power

The theme for January is ACTIVATION. The year starts off with an intense period of release and initiation and a push from spirit to get all your ducks in a row. As we move from the more organized influences of 2014 into the chaos, creativity and destruction of 2015, it will be truly useful to…

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November 2014–Wisdom Tips For Empowerment & Protection

The main theme for November is “THE UNKNOWN.” The Unknown is what you cannot see, hear, feel, know, second- guess, expect or control. There is no instruction manual and nothing familiar. The comfort zone is being eroded much like being in a swimming pool where all of a sudden the sides of the pool disappear and…

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March 2013 -Time To Clear Energy Leaks and Get Prepared!

In this monthly forecast, you’ll find tips to boost your personal growth and tips to get the most out of this month! The primary theme for March is MOVEMENT.  March is a split personality month, with the first couple of weeks giving us more of February’s watery course. During this time, watch for continued unexpected emotional…

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I’ve never met an ugly witch.

We are facing a most serious threat in the world. The threat is the systematic control of an individual’s energy. There are many strategies being used to weaken us, to eliminate our will and vision. A key strategy is to instill fear in society in order to get people to give up their freedom. Another…

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