Category Archives: Alternative Finance

Urgent! New Bretton Woods Plans -Digital Currencies & Debt Explosion

The coronavirus pandemic is pushing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) into top gear as the pandemic has triggered a sharp global economic decline. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday announced plans to have a Bretton Woods monetary renegotiation.  In this post and video, you’ll find out what the real implications are of the IMF’s…

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Good bye banks. Hello new financial system!

Banks are dinosaurs, soon to be extinct. Good bye banks. Hello new financial systems.

People are waking up to discover that alternatives are available to them. In this post, find out about how you can not only buy cryptocurrencies, but also earn high interest rates on your crypto & get cash loans on your crypto collateral. The rates will surprise you and brighten your day.

The alternatives are based on new technology–blockchains and smart contracts. Don’t’ worry. You don’t need to understand the technology in order to benefit from the new financial services that are revolutionizing finance. We don’t know all the details of how phone systems work, yet we use phones every day.

Just know that you have choices that can help you achieve financial freedom faster than using the old systems.

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Banks Collapsing & Alternative Financial Systems

More bad news about banks. Now there’s more massive news about a leak on the $2 trillion dollar scandal in the banking sector. Basically global banks have been money laundering for criminals. Watch the video to find out more.

While the bad news about banks is going to increase, the good news about bank alternatives is going to increase as well.

The bad news about banks is helping people to wake up to alternatives such as Bitcoin and new ways to earn interest from blockchain financial systems.

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The 2020 Reset: How To See Opportunities & Increase Optimism

Yes, we’ve been witnessing unprecedented events. They can be a threat or a benefit to us. Remember, you have the power to choose. Expand your awareness of the possibilities that exist for you on all levels.

Everyday, we have more solutions that are being presented to us: New financial platforms that help humanity achieve financial freedom. Alternative methods of healing. Knowledge, that was once secret, is now being revealed to help humanity evolve spiritually. This is the time to expand your awareness and lift your spirit. An easy step you can take today to increase your power is to stop watching TV.

The 2020 reset can be a threat to humanity or it can be a benefit to us. We have the power to choose. Time will tell what choices we made collectively.

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How To Create Big Money With More Ease (video)

Money is a good case in point. The economy and your bank account can show you the “reality” in the physical plane, yet there is another reality outside of the matrix that you can tap into! We often think we need to work harder and longer and DO more in order to create prosperity. That’s limited thinking. A more expanded understanding is to change your mindset and vibration in order to create the prosperity you want to enjoy.

Watch this video to find out how to more easily create a lot of money. It’s not about “earning” but about “receiving.” It’s not about “effort” but about “vibration.” It’s not about “doing” but about thinking & being aware of how you feel when you think about money.

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Myths Of the Millennial Entrepreneur

Millennials are on track to be the least entrepreneurial generation in recent history. The share of people under 30 who own a business have fallen over 65% since the 1980s. This is first generation in American history that will do less well than their parents. Find out why in this video!

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Thinking Of Moving Overseas?

In the first half of this video, Max Keiser interviews Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante about Americans renouncing their citizenship as a solution to bank embargoes and double taxation. More and more Americans are leaving America to live abroad like in Costa Rica, where cost of living is lower. How easy is it to establish a new home abroad? In this video, find out.

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Brexit Bombshell & Opportunities for Gold and Silver

On Friday, Britain shocked the world when they voted to leave the European Union (EU).

Essentially, the shocking Brexit vote to exit the EU was a populist uprising against having a highly centralized authority control their economic future. The British were tired of seeing their sovereignty eroded. Their vote is seen as a statement that they want an end to the elite structures dominating their economic lives.

They voted for liberty–but not the type of liberty promised by power mega structures.

For the first time in nearly two generations, Britain is once again on its own.

They saw the results of big government and they said “No more.”

Britain is now the first to shed its ties to the EU.

It’s not just the British people who are uprising. People around the world are increasingly growing resentful at how low interest rates benefit the elite at the expense of the average citizen, angry at how tax payer monies are being spent to fund wars and angry at the trend of GMO foods…

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Is It Time to Ditch 4 Years of Costly College for Apprenticeships?

Though I am proud to have a college degree, I recognized that today a college education is not what it used to be. Our system of higher education is unsustainable and broken: Tuition has soared 1,100%–five times the Consumer Price Index. Increasingly, students graduate from college with huge student loan debt, and they can’t find a good paying job that enables them to pay off their “non-dischargeable” student loans. (The Clintons supported the bankers in making student loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, which means that even if you claim bankruptcy, you still have to pay student loans).

It’s time to think outside the conventional box to create prosperity. It is becoming increasingly important to open our minds to new ways of learning and creating prosperity. In this post, the author presents one solution. I think there can be variations of his idea of traditional apprenticeships–such as online apprenticeships to learn how to create money online.

Think expansively. Trust that there is always a solution to every challenge, and open your mind to the possibilities!

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This Financial Bubble Is 8 Times Bigger Than the 2008 Subprime Crisis

I follow a lot of financial news from a wide range of sources. Some of those sources share fascinating knowledge about the economy and financial markets that the mass media does not even come close to reporting on, yet they can instill fear in people by only focusing on the problems. That’s why I do not share their articles or videos. We must not get sucked into all the drama out there, yet we must expand our awareness of how darkness tries to control humanity. It’s a delicate balance between awareness and inner power that comes from inner balance.

The posts I do share are from authors who, I think, help to expand people’s knowledge without instilling fear. Simon Black is a case in point. He 1) explains complex knowledge in a very easy-to-understand language and 2) offers practical solutions on what people can do to empower themselves financially –which includes more than only buying precious metals, like gold. (Simon lives in Chile and offers a wealth advice on living and investing abroad.*)

When we expand our awareness, we can make wiser decisions because we’re better informed–we can see the bigger picture. Awareness of both light and darkness, empowers us on all levels, period. Deception and half-truths keep us in the dark. If we ignore that darkness exist, we become prey. Enjoy his post below.

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