Tag Archives: brain waves

Are you using sound to speed up creating changes in your life?

Everything emits sound. The cells in your body, every organ, your thoughts, emotions, the earth, rocks & the planets all have their unique frequency or tone. We can use sounds, or frequencies, to entrain our minds by changing our brain waves and our state of mind. The most recently discovered brain wave frequency is Gamma, which is the fastest in frequency at above 40Hz. Gamma is associated with bursts of insights and high-level information processing.`Read this post to learn how Beta/Gamma audio frequencies can change your state of mind and help you create changes in your emotions, IQ, concentration abilities, creativity and finances.

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How to quickly change your brain waves & create positive results!

In fact, all of the brain wave states (e.g., Beta/Gamma, Alpha, Theta & Delta) have their distinct benefits. There are many ways we can access specific brain wave states, Sound is one way! Modern science has shown that sounds affect brain wave activity. Why is this important? Brain wave frequencies affect our mental, emotional and physical well being. In this post, you will learn how to get free brain wave audio downloads to discover the power of sound!

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