To kick start the launch of the new, expanded Unlimited Inner Power, I’ll be sharing several posts about the use of gold and silver–their ability to strengthen your finances AND strengthen your health. The picture is bigger than what you might imagine! (Check out my prior blog post if you missed my big announcement).
Today, we delve into gold’s use for enhancing your finances. And at the end of this post, find out how to get a chance to win gold!
While gold has many uses (from practical to esoteric), this post focuses on the use of gold as a means to help grow your assets and as a way to provide protection in the future by using it as an exchange for goods such as food.
Why buy real assets such as gold?
First, commodities, such as gold and silver, provide protection against economic instability and over the long-term rise during economic downturns. Also, they provide protection against financial market declines. For example, unlike stock prices that can go to zero, the value of commodities cannot. Commodities are tangible assets, and they offer no credit risk. There are no questionable financial statements to figure out, no convoluted accounting, like in buying stocks.
Why is this a good window of opportunity to buy gold now?
Gold has been rising because the economy and stock market are collapsing. The unprecedented debt that’s been skyrocketing since the last 2008 financial market meltdown is triggering another meltdown. Contrary, to what the main stream media is saying, the U.S. economy is in serious trouble and heading toward another collapse that is likely to be bigger than the one we had in 2008.
We see the symptoms of a broken economy all around us. Unemployment and the decline of the middle class, are just two examples. Reckless governments that created the debt bubble that’s bringing down the economy have neither the means nor the desire to fix the economy.
The value of our paper money, which is not backed by real assets, is losing its value.
So the price of gold–a “real asset” is rising. People want assets that have real value. The point of gold is that it’s not somebody’s else paper currency. It’s yours. In the case of an economic meltdown when the dollar loses its value, you could use gold in exchange for food or other needed supplies.
Unlike paper currency, gold will hold its value because it is a real asset.
While the price of gold may experience some dips in the short-term, over the long-term it is set to rise. Many are predicting that gold prices will surpass even the 5,000 level in the near future. Peter Schiff, an analyst who predicted the 2008 financial market meltdown years before it happened, is saying the price of gold is going to skyrocket.
To get Peter’s free report called Why Buy Gold Now, sign up at
And, you can also enter the free contest to win the grand prize of 1 ounce of gold.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this first post which expands Unlimited Inner Power into new ground. Expanded awareness empowers us to break thru boundaries and perceive golden opportunities in all areas of our lives.
Expanded awareness in finance or health or any area of our life is interconnected with spiritual awareness.
To the power of awareness.
P.S. To enter the contest to win gold you must sign up before March 22, 2016.