March 2011 Forecast–Get Ready!
The main theme for March is GET READY!
Subthemes we will be working with all month are preparation, action, forward movement, intensity, fortification, focus and discipline.
The image is that of anticipating a battle or a long winter or an …
How Being Single on Valentine’s Helped Me Achieve My Dreams
Here’s a personal Valentine’s day story that I shared last year. I am reposting it for this Valentine’s Day since so many enjoyed my story:
* * *
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I would share a
personal …
February 2011–A Powerful Time To Manifest Using Unbending Intention
The main theme for February is Commitment.
It is time to get off the fence and really commit to your intentions and goals without the need to know how you will accomplish them. There has been a tendency to …
Shamanic Journey Workshop Feb 5, 2011
On Saturday, Feb 5th, 2011 there will be a special lecture and workshop on the shamanic journey. This shamanic journey will enable you to enter a deep meditative state, but it’s not really “meditation” as meditation is commonly practiced today. …
Welcoming January 2011!
In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder
of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to
the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals
influences and opportunities to take advantage of.
The Shamanic Journey–Going Beyond Meditation
Throughout history, shamans and other wise men and women of knowledge have possessed the power to journey deep within to tap the universal source of information and wisdom.
Shamans have always known that the answers we seek can be found …
December 2010 Forecast–How Will This Month Play Out?
In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder
of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to
the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals
influences and opportunities to take advantage of.
November –Time For Letting Go & Healing
The main theme for November is resolution and healing.
In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder
of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to
the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals
influences and opportunities to …
October 2010–Intensity: Breakthroughs or Breakdowns
The main theme for October is intensity.
In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder
of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to
the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals
influences and opportunities to take advantage …
September 2010 Forecast—A Time of Tension and Breakthroughs
The main theme for September is Tension-Breakthrough.
In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder
of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to
the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals
influences and opportunities to take advantage …