October 2011–The Point of No Return

The image is that of facing a well-known view, in fact a view you have become so accustomed to you hardly notice it anymore. And now you have just realized that you are turning away from this view 90 degrees …

September Forecast–Tips for Staying Positive and Overcoming Worry

This is a tremendous and unpredictable time of change, opportunity and resetting patterns and we have no idea how it’s all going to manifest or show up. So what is called for right now is to be generously allowing of …

Alchemy and Personal Transformation—Coming Up Sept 16-18th

If you want to learn about alchemy and personal
transformation, there is a unique event coming up next month
that could be what you’ve been looking for.

The Alchemy Conference will take place on September 16-18th in
Long Beach, California.  …

August 2011–A Time To Do More Than You Think Is Possible

The main theme for August is Wake Up and Pay Attention.

This does not mean becoming more hyper-vigilant or controlling but rather becoming more present and taking notice from a place of expanded awareness. Most of us have narrowed …

July 2011 Forecast–Personal Growth and Big Breakthroughs

The main theme for July is Birth.

It is OK to feel like a different person, to not know who you are, to sense that something has changed in a big way even though you can’t really say what …

June 2011 Forecast–A Time To Do a Personal Realignment

When a vehicle gets out of alignment it shakes and shimmies and wants to veer off the road. What causes it to get out of alignment is hitting bumps, potholes and other obstacles. If a vehicle is left in this …

May 2011–Influences To Take Advantage Of and To Beware Of

This month begins a much larger cycle of bringing all the disconnected parts back into communication with each other. In the name of individuality and based on the model of competition, the right hand has not known what the left …

April 2011 Forecast and Trends

The main theme for April is FERTILITY!

You could say that aspects of physical life on this planet have been in a winter cycle of hibernation. Certain attitudes and behaviors have been repeated and repeated with very little change towards …

The Japan Crisis and The Mayan Calendar

The dangers of Japan’s nuclear power plant meltdowns continue
to escalate, yet very few media sources can be relied upon for
truthful coverage.  One thing is clear—our brothers and sisters
in Japan need our prayers more than ever.

Ancient spiritual …

Radiation From Potential Nuclear Fallout–Tips To Protect Yourself

The recent news about the emergency in Japan following the meltdown of one of its nuclear power plants has triggered increasing concerns about the risk of further plant failures, the fallout and the effects of radiation.

The primary danger from …